This was the first in a series of online forms used to collect data for the ACPE Peer Review Outcomes Survey from August 11 to September 30, 2009. The data collection forms have been de-commissioned. The results were published in the Journal of Medical Quality. Contact me for further information.


Your participation will help us to answer the question of whether particular professional peer review practices are associated with better objective clinical quality in hospital settings.

Data collection ends Wednesday night, September 30.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Physician leader from a hospital setting
  • Knowledgeable about peer review process at your organization

If you have questions before you begin, please contact Marc Edwards at (860) 521-8484 or  Dr. Edwards is the principal investigator for this study.  

If you encounter technical problems with the survey, call (860) 655-4640 or email

Use any Contact Us link to initiate support.

Take the Survey ...>>

If you are not eligible or would prefer to opt out of the survey, please go to the Opt Out form. 

  •   Your responses to these few items will help us to minimize survey biases.

  •   If you Opt Out, we will not send a reminder notice.

Opt Out ...>>

Confidentiality Statement

By participating in the survey, you give the investigators permission to make aggregate comparisons using your hospital’s objective quality measures and your responses.  The information which you provide will be kept confidential and will only be used for purposes of this study.  No individually identifiable results will be publically reported.  Your responses, your personal contact information, and your hospital’s identity will not be disclosed to third parties.