In my last column, we took an evidence-based look at the value of multi-specialty clinical peer review committees. Now we’ll examine the role of Morbidity & Mortality (M&M) conferences. In my first national study of peer review practices, we found that 58% of 339 facilities responding include Morbidity & Mortality (M&M) conferences within the scope of peer review. (1) This ranged from 54% among non-teaching facilities to 75% among academic medical centers (previously unpublished data).
The M&M conference serves a dual role as a platform for revealing the learning opportunities in adverse events and as a vehicle for graduate medical education. In hospitals with post-graduate training programs, residents and fellows predominate as both the presenters and the primary audience. At academic medical centers, surgical M&M conferences are held weekly and average 60-90 minutes. (2) Surgical training programs tend to have shorter case presentations (12 minutes) and a greater focus on adverse events than do internal medicine programs (34 minutes). (3)
Several investigators have found that traditional M&M conference methods significantly under-report surgical deaths and complications compared to occurrence screening and National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQUIP) methods (4, 5, 6) At the patient level, the sensitivity may be as low as 25%. The M&M conference may also under-report issues with procedure appropriateness, pathology discrepancies and diagnostic errors. (5) Other potential limitations of the M&M model have been noted including lack of participation by the involved clinicians, avoidance of the “tough issues”, and the difficulty of creating a non-punitive environment for learning. (7)
Some have developed effective mechanisms for identifying and tracking surgical adverse events, such as mandatory resident reporting, which have been integrated with the M&M process and other peer review activity. (8-10) These models may include a reconciliation of the root cause when the identified adverse event is a symptom (e.g., hypotension as a sign of sepsis, hemorrhage, etc.), classification of preventability, and attribution of causality to a care-giver, the patient, and/or the system of care. Moreover, there are several reports in which the M&M conference was believed to have made a contribution to improved clinical performance. (11, 12) The time requirement may, however, be substantial. One group reported an average of 2 hours per week, and noted that conferences could go as long as 4 hours. (12) Thus, the M&M conference has potential to make a valuable contribution in support of peer review and quality improvement, but requires appropriate design. The QI Model and the Peer Review Program Self-Evaluation Tool give additional guidance as to key parameters that should influence M&M program design if it is to effectively contribute to peer review and improved clinical performance.
I’d recommend that physician leaders who are redesigning their M&M process ask the following questions:
Marc T. Edwards, MD, MBA
President & CEO
QA to QI
An AHRQ Listed Patient Safety Organization