Violations of the laws of nature can cause disease via imbalance or damage to the Doshas, via disturbance of Agni (the digestive fire) or the Srotas (channels), or via injury. Faulty digestion and metabolism of food results in the formation of toxins known as Ama. Environmental toxins (pollutants, pesticides, preservatives, synthetic fabrics, cleaners, etc.) also promote Ama and accelerate its conversion to Amavisha, its most damaging form.
Ama results from faulty eating habits, poor food choices/combinations, and/or disturbed digestion. The formation of Ama can by itself unsettle digestion potentially leading to more Ama buildup. Ama clogs the body and interferes with healthy functioning. Not surprisingly, as levels of Ama increase, one tends to feel clogged, unnaturally heavy and lethargic.
Ama is sticky and will accumulate preferentially in locations where the Srotas have been vitiated. As Ama accumulates it begins to attract Doshas. As the imbalance progresses, the pathologic Dosha will begin to vitiate the Dhatu (tissue) eventually leading to disease.
The cholesterol plaques of atherosclerosis are a gross example of Ama. Rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's are examples of diseases due to Ama accumulation at a more subtle level.
I routinely ask all clients to complete this brief questionnaire.