Ayurveda offers a framework for understanding individual differences and how to harmonize with them to maintain balance in the face of change in order to enjoy a long, vital life. These differences are captured by the Sanskrit word Prakriti, which means manifest Nature. Prakriti as individual constitution is most simply described in terms of the proportion of three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
In practice, this reduces to seven main types that come from the three Doshas seen individually, in pairs or all together. In roughly 80% of people, two of the three Doshas are most dominant giving rise to Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha and Pitta-Kapha types. While the third is there, it plays such a small role with respect to the behavioral choices needed to maintain balance that it can generally be ignored. In another 10%, one of the three Doshas dominates for all practical purposes giving rise to "pure" Vata, Pitta and Kapha types. In the remaining 10%, the three Doshas all play an active role giving rise to the Tri-Dosha type.
While Prakriti may contrast with Vikriti, or imbalance, it is not always clear which is which.
This questionnaire explores the extent to which the three Doshas are manifest in your Prakriti. I ask all new clients to complete it as an adjunct to their consultation. It supplements the pulse reading and the responses to the other questionnaires.
Please use caution in interpreting the results of this questionnaire. It has not been validated against the "gold standard" of clinical assessment. Also, it does not distinguish Prakriti from Vikriti, or imbalance. Longstanding imbalances may masquerade as Prakriti. Faulty habits of diet and daily routine may modify Prakriti. I ofen see this in "night owls" who often have a Vata imbalance.